These are really simple to make. They only took me 45 minutes. Now that I've made one pair I could probably do it in 30. If you want to make some of your own here is what you will need:

- 1/4 yd green fleece
- scraps of green and white felt or fleece
- 1/4-inch knit elastic
- 2 black buttons (mine were 1/2-inch wide for size 2T mittens)
- green and black thread
- graph or plain paper and a pencil
Start by tracing around your child's hand on a piece of graph or plain paper:

Now fold over the cuffs 1/2 an inch, wrong sides together (if your fleece has a wrong side) and stitch down:

Now we'll add the elastic. Following the wrist placement on your pattern, start by tacking down the end of the elastic on the wrong side of the fabric with a few stitches with your machine. You will want to use a medium zig-zag stitch and long stitch length (I used 4) to allow for stretch. Start stitching across the mitten while simultaneously pulling on the elastic:

This creates the gathers and will allow the elastic to stretch around your child's wrist and stay snug:

Now we'll add the button eyes. Decide where you want your buttons to go:

Since fleece is a fairly loose material, I don't recommend knotting your thread. Instead, pull your thread through the button, leaving a long tail behind it on the wrong side:

This way you can tie the loose ends together when you are done stitching on the button:

MAKE SURE you are stitching your buttons to two opposing sides:

Now for the trim. For my dinosaur ridges I cut out two pieces green felt, 1/2" x 4" each. If you are making mittens larger than a 2T, you may want to increase the length. Then I cut zig-zags on one side of each piece:

Now pin your mittens right sides together with the trim sandwiched in between:

Stitch all the way around the outer edges with a 1/4-inch inseam. You will want to reinforce the crook of the thumb and forefinger - just stitch over it a couple of times:

Now you will clip into that crook almost to the seam allowance:

Turn right side out and ta-da!

Please let me know if you end up making a pair yourself!